Current Rutgers students interested in majoring or minoring in the field of political science are welcomed click on the flyer above and register to attend!
The Political Science major exposes students to the philosophical and practical problems of political organization, action, and governance. The courses we offer cover the range of political institutions, processes, and policies in a way that allows students to discover how politics actually works. As students move through the major we encourage and foster critical thinking about the nature of citizenship, rights, and duties in the modern world. The major is positioned to help you develop the critical thinking and communication skills for:
Advocacy, lobbying, grass roots organizing, election campaigns and staffing for elected officials in state, national and global governments. Many of the offices of New Jersey legislators are staffed by our graduates and a good number of our students have run for office at the local, state, or national level. The Eagleton Institute of Politics, housed right here on campus, links the day-to-day practice with the study of polictics. There are several courses taught at Eagleton, along with several undergraduate student programs and awards.
Open only to political science majors, this certificate program offers a course of study for students interested in understanding politics, political structures, and political institutions around the globe. The certificate requires overseas experience as well as language and Political Science training necessary to make such an experience valuable. It offers the opportunity to build upon the ideas and insights acquired abroad in research and other activities at Rutgers.
With the joint enterprise of a diverse faculty and students from all parts of the nation and abroad,our UNMA, and PhD programs in Political Science allow you to dig deeper and further your understanding on complex global topics.
Students who minor in critical intelligence studies choose to pursue their interest in artificial intelligence/data science, cyber security, engineering, policy or languages. Our Center for Critical Intelligence Studies is a federally designated Intelligence Community Center for Academic Excellence and houses a dedicated careeer and internship portal for those wanting to pursue careers in the field.
Our courses in Law and Politics, Law and Society, and Constitutional Law, explore gender, policy, courtroom concerns, affirmative action and higher education. Along with pre-law advisement, you can determine if a career in law is right for you.
The undergraduate Political Science curriculum is divided into three general areas:
American Institutions and Politics
Theoretical Approaches to Politics
Foreign and International Politics
While majors may choose to focus their studies on one of these areas, they are required to develop a solid intellectual foundation and understanding that spans all three and to approach the study of Political Science within the broader context of the social sciences.
Prior to declaring a major in Political Science, a student must complete at least two 100 level Political Science courses with an average grade of C or better. These courses can be counted toward major credits.
Politcal science majors are highly encouraged strongly to take advantage of opportunities to engage in experiential learning at Rutgers. These opportunities include the Washington Internship Semester, various Study Abroad program, local internships supervised by the department, and 1.5 credit courses offered at the 200 level.
Students' Stories
Eric Ortega
- Information
- Year Graduated: 2016