Director: Dr. Richard R. Lau
Associate Director: Dr. Katherine T. McCabe
Associate Director of Student Engagement: Amy S. Funck
The mission of the RIPPL is to promote experimental research in Political Science and other disciplines, and in particular to advance scholarly understanding of decision-making and voting behavior.
To accomplish this goal the RIPPL offers “how to” workshops during the semester, and a state-of the art laboratory facility for conducting research.
The Center's experimental lab is located on the second floor of the Woodlawn Carriage House on Cook/Douglass Campus in New Brunswick, NJ. The laboratory is equipped with 20 workstations and a supervisor desk. The lab can support a wide range of experiments, including survey, psychology, process-tracing, and behavioral economic experiments.
We are currently building a subject pool consisting of non-student adults who live in the New Brunswick and Highland Park area. To find out more, please click here.